Thank you letter received from the Strachur-Dunoon Shinty Club for the recent donation of a Defibrillator thanks to the generosity of the Royal Arch Companions of Glasgow.

PGRAC of Glasgow Pairs Winners & Runners up 11th August 2024

Depute Grand Superintendent, PGH & PGDoC presenting a Defibrillator to Stachur-Dunoon Shinty Club on Saturday 3rd August 2024
PGRAC of Glasgow Bowling Rinks Competition winners and runners-up Sunday 4th August 2024

PGJ with PG Sword Bearer taking part in their Lodge Annual Sponsored Walk

The Grand Superintendent with the President of the Edinburgh Scotia high twelve international
The Grand Superintendent, MEC Gary D. Smith with the Grand Treasurer of the SGRAC of Scotland at the St. John Scotland lunch on Saturday 27th July 2024

Congratulation to Honorary Member of the Province & Past Depute First Grand Principal MEC Douglas Philand on being appointed Provost of Argyll & Bute

Thank you letter from Kelbourne Park School for donating £1,250.

Congratulations to MEC David Montgomery PZ & Scribe E. of Govan RAC No. 117 on being presented with the rank of Honorary First Grand Standard Bearer of the SGRAC of Scotland by MEC Robert McFarlane, DGS & MEC Ian French PGH

Congratulations to the Grand Superintendent, MEC Gary D. Smith on being made an Honorary VII and Freeman of the Operatives On Saturday 16th June 2024

The Grand Superintendent MEC Gary D. Smith attending the Installation of the First Grand Principal W. Ramsay McGhee on Friday 14th March 2024

Congratulations to MEC Alan Cuthill PZ RAC No. 113, who on Monday 27th May 2024 at the Half-Yearly Convocation of the PGRAC of Glasgow, was presented with the Provincial Grand Rank of Honorary Depute Grand Superintendent of the PGRAC of Glasgow in recognition of the commitment and service he has given to Royal Arch Masonry in Glasgow over the last 46 years.
MEC Alan Cuthill PZ RAC No. 113 is photographed with the Grand Superintendent MEC Gary D. Smith & the Depute Grand Superintendent MEC Robert McFarlane.

The new P.G.R.A.C. of Glasgow tie is now available to all members of the Province and can be purchased from P.G.S.E. at a cost of £11.00.
For further details please contact P.G.S.E. on the following email address:
Congratulation to MEC Alan Cuthill HDGS on becoming the next Provincial Grand Master of Glasgow

Thetis RAC No. 122 held their regular meeting on Thursday 6th June 2024, where Partick RAC No. 113 carried out the RA degree on their 4 newest exalted Royal Arch Companions.
The newest exalted Royal Arch Companions of Thetis RAC No. 122 are photographed with the First Principal of Thetis RAC No. 122 MEC William Aitken, the First Principal of Partick RAC No. 113 MEC Simon Stewart, the Second Principal of Thetis RAC No. 122 MEC Stephen Montgomery and the Grand Superintendent MEC Gary D. Smith.

At the Half-Yearly Convocation of the PGRAC of Glasgow on Monday 27th May 2024 we had 4 visiting Grand Superintendents in attendance.
Pictured with the Grand Superintendent MEC Gary D. Smith and the Depute Grand Superintendent MEC Robert McFarlane after the PGRAC Convocation are:
•MEC Andrew C. Brodrick, Grand Superintendent of Dumbartonshire.
•MEC Andrew N. Fleming, Grand Superintendent of Linlithgowshire.
•MEC Jack P. Brown, Grand Superintendent of Lanarkshire Middle Ward.
•MEC Charles A. Hogg, Grand Superintendent of Aberdeenshire.

The First Principal of Partick Royal Arch Chapter No. 113 MEC Simon Stewart photographed with their newest exalted Companion Cris Urlea at their meeting that took place on Wednesday 8th May 2024.

Congratulations to Brother Alan Cuthill PWCN & MEC on receiving his 40 years Long Service Diploma, which was presented on Wednesday 24th April 2024 at the meeting of Partick L&C No. 113 by the Depute Grand Superintendent MEC Robert McFarlane.

Thetis RAC No. 122 held their regular meeting on Thursday 2nd May 2024, where the Chapter degree team carried out the Excellent Masters Degree on four new initiates.

On Monday 29th April 2024 Past Grand Superintendent MEC John N. Steel in his capacity as 2nd Grand Principal of the SGRAC of Scotland took part in the Installation of MEC Peter Feschzeck as the Grand Superintendent of the District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Western Australia also in attendance was MEC Ernest Yong, 3rd Grand Principal of the SGRAC of Scotland.

On Sunday 28th April 2024 the Grand Superintendent MEC Gary D. Smith took part in the Kiltwalk, completing The Mighty Stride: 23 miles walking from Glasgow Green to Moss O'Balloch Park, Balloch.
This was in aid of Kelbourne Park Nursey & School, he was accompanied by MEC Alan Cuthill HDGS

Congratulations to Companions Charles G. N. Stewart & Cameron A. Gibson on receiving their 50 years Long Service Diplomas, which were presented on Friday 5th April 2024 at the meeting of Shamrock & Thistle RAC No. 87.

Congratulations to the Grand Superintendent who was presented with Honorary Membership of St. Vincent Plantation RAC No. 259 at their meeting that took place on Tuesday 26th March 2024.

On Sunday 24th March 2024 members of the Commission attended the Annual Divine Service of The Lodge of Glasgow St. John No. 3bis within Glasgow Cathedral. The Grand Superintendent is currently the Master of 3bis.

On Wednesday 28th February 2024 The Depute Grand Superintendent accompanied by a deputation from the Province visited Partick L&C No. 113 for their Annual Visitation and the L&C welcomed their two newest members.

The First Principal of Partick Royal Arch Chapter No. 113 photographed with their newest 5 exalted Companions and the Depute Grand Superintendent at their meeting that took place on Wednesday 14th February 2024.
The Grand Superintendent with the First Grand Principal on Saturday 27th January 2024.
The Grand Superintendent presenting a cheque for £750 to DeafBlind Scotland on behalf of the Companions of the Province on Friday 26th January 2024.

The Grand Superintendent presenting a cheque for £500 to Kelbourne Park School and Nursery on behalf of the Companions of the Province on Thursday 11th January 2024.

The T.I.M. of Glasgow C.C. No. 50 presenting a cheque for £200 to Brighter Baillieston in November 2023.

The P.G.S.E. donating toys and selection boxes to Glasgow No. 1 Baby and Family Support Services on behalf of the Companions of the Province on Monday 18th December 2023.

The Grand Superintendent accompanied by a deputation from the Province attended the Installation of Partick C.C. No. 113 on Wednesday 25th October 2023.
The Grand Superintendent & P.G.S.E. presenting a cheque for £400 to Drumchapel Food Bank on behalf of the Companions of the Province on Friday 19th January 2024.

The Scribe E. of St. John R.A.C. No. 257 presenting a cheque for £650 to Hazelwood School from RAC No. 257, the Province and several other Masonic bodies in December 2023.

The 3rd Provincial Grand Principal accompanied by a deputation from the Province attended the Installation of St. John R.A.C. No. 257 on Thursday 19th October 2023.

On Sunday 15th October 2023 the Grand Superintendent attended the Annual Dinner of Glasgow C.C. No. 50 and at the conclusion Companion Will Rowan delivered an excellent paper.

The Grand Superintendent (Past Deacon of the Incorporation of Masons of Glasgow) attended the Annual Deacon's Choosing Dinner on Friday 22nd September 2023.

The Grand Superintendent & his Commissioned Office Bearers with the I.P.G.S. on Saturday 2nd September 2023.

On Saturday 2nd September 2023 the Installation of the Grand Superintendent and his Commissioned Office Bearers took place. The deputation from S.G.R.A.C. of Scotland was headed by the First Grand Principal.

On Sunday 27th August 2023 the Grand Superintendent & P.G.S.E. attended the P.G.L. of Glasgow's Summer Seminar.

The Grand Superintendent with Cadder RAC No. 812 who won the Rinks at the Inter-Province Tournament hosted by P.G.R.A.C. of Dunbartonshire on Sunday 20th August 2023.

The Grand Superintendent and Depute Grand Superintendent with Cadder R.A.C. No. 812 team B who won the Rinks and Partick R.A.C. No. 113 team A who won the Pairs at the P.G.R.A.C. of Glasgow Bowling Competition on Sunday 6th August 2023.